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Wage: Mayor $2600/annually
Alderperson $1600/annually

Upcoming Elections


Election Details

An election to be held in the City of Lancaster, on Tuesday, April 1, 2025. The following offices are to be elected to succeed the present incumbents listed.


            OFFICE                                                          INCUMBENT             

Alderperson District II                                     Shayne LaBudda

Alderperson, District IV                                   Adam Fecht

Alderperson, At-Large                                    Kate Reuter and Kaden Crapp

 (2 seats available)     


Office Terms

The term for alderperson begins on Tuesday, April 15, 2025. All terms are for two years unless otherwise indicated.


District Boundaries

Information concerning aldermanic district boundaries may be obtained from the City Clerk, 206 S. Madison St., Lancaster, WI 53813.


Additional Information

Acceptable Photo ID will be required to vote at this election. If you do not have a photo ID, you may obtain a free ID for voting from the Division of Motor Vehicles.

Spring Primary

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Primary held on the third Tuesday in February to nominate non-partisan candidates to be voted for at the Spring Election.
State Statute 5.02(22)

1-29-25 Deadline for electors to register to vote by mail or online in the Spring Primary. After this date, electors must register in person in the municipal clerk's office or at the polling place.

2-4-25 In person absentee voting begins at City Hall. Please bring your photo id.

2-13-25 Deadline (5:00 p.m.) for regular and permanent overseas electors to request absentee ballots by mail (online, email, or fax) for the Spring Primary.

2-14-25 Deadline (12:00 p.m.) for write-in candidates to file a registration statement with the filing officer for the Spring Primary. 

            Deadline (5:00 p.m.) for electors to register to vote in the municipal clerk's office.

             Deadline (5:00 p.m.) for indefinitely confined and military electors to request absentee ballots by mail (online, email or fax) for the Spring Primary.

Spring Election

Tuesday, April 1, 2025

12-1-24 First day for candidates to circulate nomination papers for the 2025 Spring Election

12-27-24 Deadline to file Notification of Noncandidacy

1-7-25    5pm Deadline to file nomination papers for Spring Election

3-12-25   Deadline for electors to register to vote by mail or online in the Spring Election. After this date, electors must register in person in the municipal clerk's office or at the polling place.

3-18-25 In-person absentee voting in the Clerk's Office begins.

3-27-25 Deadline (5:00 p.m.) for regular and permanent overseas electors to request absentee ballots by mail (online, email or fax) for the Spring Election.

3-28-25 Deadline (12:00 p.m.) for write-in candidates to file a registration statement with the filing officer for the Spring Election.

Deadline (5:00 p.m.) for electors to register to vote in the municipal clerk's office or other designated location(s).

Deadline (5:00 p.m.) for indefinitely confined electors and military electors to request absentee ballots by mail (online, email or fax) for the Spring Election.

4-1-25 Election Day, Polls open from 7am to 8pm in the Senior Center. Photo ID is required.